Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism and Relationship of Korean Ginseng Cultivars and Breeding Lines using EST-SSR Marker
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Bang, Kyong-Hwan
(Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA)
Seo, A-Yeon (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Chung, Jong-Wook (National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA) Kim, Young-Chang (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Jo, Ick-Hyun (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Kim, Jang-Uk (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Kim, Dong-Hwi (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Cha, Seon-Woo (Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) Cho, Yong-Gu (Department of Plant Resources, Chungbuk National University) Kim, Hong-Sig (Department of Plant Resources, Chungbuk National University) |
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