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Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Rehmannia glutinosa L. with Resveratrol Gene (RS3) of Peanut  

Lim, Jung-Dae (College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Yang, Deok-Chun (College of Life Science, Kyung Hee University)
Yun, Song-Joong (Faculty of Biological Research Science, Chonbuk Natl. Uni.)
Chung, Ill-Min (College of Life and Environment Science, Konkuk University)
Sung, Eun-Soo (Genome Research Center, KRIBB)
Kim, Myong-Jo (College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Heo, Kweon (College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Yu, Chang-Yeon (College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science / v.12, no.2, 2004 , pp. 171-178 More about this Journal
The objectives of this study were to establish the genetic transformation system of stilbene synthase in Rehmannia glutinosa. Resveratrol, which is both a phytoalexin with antifungal activity and a phytochemical associated with reduced cancer risk and reduced cardiovascular disease, is synthesized in a limited number of plant species including peanut. Resveratrol synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme stilbene synthase including resveratrol synthase (RS). Stilbene synthase gene (RS3) obtained from peanut, Arachis hypogaea, Fabaceae has been transferred into chinese foxglove, Rehmannia glutinosa by using Agrobacterium mediated transformation. PCR analysis with RS3 primer confirmed that the targeted gene was introduced into the plant genome, 904 bp in size. Further analyses of identification of transformation using developed other molecular techniques and transgenic plants that RS t-DNA introduced to chinese foxglove (R. glutinosa L) and its reaction product, stilbene such as resveratrol will be isolate and characterize using NMR, MS, and HPLC.
Agrobacterium; Rehmannia glutinosa L.; resveratrol synthase;
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