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Voice range profile in premutation, mutation, and postmutation of men  

Kim, Jaeock (Major in Speech Pathology Education, Graduate School of Education, Kangnam University)
Lee, Seung Jin (Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Research Institute of Audiology and Speech Pathology, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.13, no.4, 2021 , pp. 89-100 More about this Journal
This study compared the voice range profiles (VRPs) with glissando and simplified VRP methods with 57 men who were in premutation (8-13 years), mutation (11-16 years), and postmutation (10-24 years) stages. The difference between modal and falsetto areas measured in two VRP methods was also compared. As the results, the average fundamental frequency (F0) was in the order of premuaton>mutation>postmutation. The maximum F0 (F0max), the range of F0 (F0range), the maximum intensity (Imax), and the range of intensity (Irange) were the lowest in the mutation stage, and these variables were higher in falsetto area than in modal area in both methods. In addition, most variables of VRP in glissando were higher than in simplified VRP, but the differences were not significant. This study showed that, in men in mutation stage, due to the temporary anatomical and physiological changes of the larynx, the mechanism of the vocal folds vibration changes and VRP shows a different pattern from that of other age groups. Both the VRPs of glissando and simplifed VRP are suitable for clinical practice by experienced examiners. And it is necessary to measure not only the falsetto area but also the modal area when measuring VRP.
puberphonia; voice range profile (VRP); glissando; simplified VRP;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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