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Development and effects of Nanta program using speech rhythm for children with limited speech sound production  

Park, Yeong Hye (Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology, The Graduate School of Health and Health Industry, Daegu Catholic University)
Choi, Seong Hee (Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology, The Graduate School of Health and Health Industry, Daegu Catholic University)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.13, no.2, 2021 , pp. 67-76 More about this Journal
Nanta means "tapping" using percussion instruments such as drums, which is the rhythm of Samulnori, a tradtional Korean music. Nanta speech rhythm intervention program was developed and applied for the children with limited speech sound production and investigated its effect. Nanta program provided audible stimulation, various sound loudness and beats, and rhythms. Nanta program consists of three stages : Respiration, phonation and articulation with the rhythm. Six children with language development delay participated in this study. Children were encouraged to explore sounds and beats and freely express sounds and beats. Along with the rhythm, children also were encouraged to produce speech sounds by increasing the length of syllables in mimetic and imitating words. A total of 15 sessions were conducted twice a week for 40 minutes per session. For exploring the effectiveness, raw scores from preschool receptive-expressive scales (PRES) and receptive-expressive vocabulary test (REVT) were obtained and compared before and after therapy. The results demonstrated that significantly improved receptive (p=.027) and expressive language scores (p=.024) in PRES and receptive (p=.028) and expressive (p=.028) vocabulary scores following intervention using Wilcoxon signed-rank test.These findings suggest that the nanta rhythm program can be useful for improving language development and vocabulary in children with limited speech sound production.
Nanta activity; auditory stimulation; beats; speech rhythm; language development;
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