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An analysis of emotional English utterances using the prosodic distance between emotional and neutral utterances  

Yi, So-Pae (Humphreys West Elementary School)
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Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.12, no.3, 2020 , pp. 25-32 More about this Journal
An analysis of emotional English utterances with 7 emotions (calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgust, surprised) was conducted using the measurement of prosodic distance between 672 emotional and 48 neutral utterances. Applying the technique proposed in the automatic evaluation model of English pronunciation to the present study on emotional utterances, Euclidean distance measurement of 3 prosodic elements such as F0, intensity and duration extracted from emotional and neutral utterances was utilized. This paper, furthermore, extended the analytical methods to include Euclidean distance normalization, z-score and z-score normalization resulting in 4 groups of measurement schemes (sqrF0, sqrINT, sqrDUR; norsqrF0, norsqrINT, norsqrDUR; sqrzF0, sqrzINT, sqrzDUR; norsqrzF0, norsqrzINT, norsqrzDUR). All of the results from perceptual analysis and acoustical analysis of emotional utteances consistently indicated the greater effectiveness of norsqrF0, norsqrINT and norsqrDUR, among 4 groups of measurement schemes, which normalized the Euclidean measurement. The greatest acoustical change of prosodic information influenced by emotion was shown in the values of F0 followed by duration and intensity in descending order according to the effect size based on the estimation of distance between emotional utterances and neutral counterparts. Tukey Post Hoc test revealed 4 homogeneous subsets (calm
emotional utterance; prosody; euclidean distance; arousal; valence; stance;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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