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Prediction of speaking fundamental frequency using the voice and speech range profiles in normal adults  

Lee, Seung Jin (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, The Institute of Logopedics & Phoniatrics, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Kim, Jaeock (Major in Speech Pathology Education, Graduate School of Education, Kangnam University)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.11, no.3, 2019 , pp. 49-55 More about this Journal
This study sought to investigate whether mean speaking fundamental frequency (SFF) can be predicted by parameters of voice and speech range profile (VRP and SRP) in Korean normal adults. Moreover, it explored whether gender differences exist in the absolute differences between the SFF and estimated SFF (ESFF) predicted by the VRP and SRP. A total of 85 native Korean speakers with normal voice participated in the study. Each participant was asked to perform the VRP task using the vowel /a/ and the SRP task using the first sentence of a Korean standard passage "Ga-eul". In addition, the SFF was measured with electroglottography during a passage reading task. Predictive factors of the SFF were explored and the absolute difference between the SFF and the ESFF (DSFF) was compared between gender groups. Results indicated that predictive factors were age, gender, minimum pitch and pitch range for the VRP (adjusted $R^2=.931$), and pitch range (in semi-tones) and maximum pitch for the SRP (adjusted $R^2=.963$), respectively. The SFF and ESFF predicted by the VRP and SRP showed a strong positive correlation. The DSFF of the VRP and SRP, as well as their sum did not differ by gender. In conclusion, the SFF during a passage reading task could be successfully predicted by the parameters of the VRP and SRP tasks. In further studies, clinical implications need to be explored in patients who may exhibit deviations in SFF.
voice range profile; speech range profile; speaking fundamental frequency; VRP; SRP;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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