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Linguistic and social factors affecting the /ɨ/ and /ʌ/ dispersion in Kyungsang Korean  

Choe, Wook Kyung (College of General Education Dong-A University)
Lee, Dongmyung (Dong-A University)
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Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.9, no.4, 2017 , pp. 69-76 More about this Journal
The current study investigated the productions of /ɨ/ and /${\Lambda}$/ in Kyungsang Korean, which is known for undergoing a dispersion for the younger generation. Specifically, to identify the nature of /ɨ/ and /${\Lambda}$/ in Kyungsang Korean, this study examined the linguistic and social factors affecting directions and degrees of the /ɨ/-/${\Lambda}$/ dispersion. Sixteen young speakers of Kyungsang Korean repeated 112 (near) minimal pairs containing the two target vowels. The formant values of each production as well as the Euclidean distance between the two vowels were analyzed for four manipulated factors: gender (male vs. female), the existence of carrier phrases (words in isolation vs. words with a carrier phrase), the lexical status of stimulus words (real-word pairs vs. nonsense-word pairs), and the vowel position within a word (word-initial positions vs. word-final positions). The results indicated that the female speakers produced the two target vowels more distinctively than the male speakers, and so did when the words were produced in isolation. The results also revealed that the Euclidean distances were greater for the real-word pairs and in word-initial positions. Overall, the results suggested that the Kyungsang Korean speakers in their 20s could distinctively produce the two vowels /ɨ/ and /${\Lambda}$/, but this vowel dispersion is not a completed process, but an ongoing one.
vowel change; /i/-/${\Lambda}$/ dispersion; Kyungsang Korean; Korean dialect; sociophonetics;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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