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The awareness of parents and teachers in the psycho- and voice behavioral characteristics related to children's voice problems  

Song, Kyung Hwa (강남대학교 교육대학원 언어치료교육전공)
Kim, Jaeock (강남대학교)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.8, no.2, 2016 , pp. 49-56 More about this Journal
The study examined that parents and teachers were aware of what extents behavioral characteristics were related to the children's voice problems. The voice samples of 89 children in the ages of 3 to 5 were collected and their voice quality were graded by G scale of GRBAS. The parents and teachers of the children were asked to complete the questionnaire composed of the pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI) and the psycho- and voice behavioral characteristics of their children. The results are as follows. First, there were no significant differences in both pVHI and behavioral characteristics of their children by G scale. However, significant differences were shown in the behavioral characteristics between parents and teachers, but no difference in pVHI between them. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the psycho-behavioral characteristics and the voice behavioral characteristics in both parents and teachers. These results represent that parents and teachers are not aware of the presence of their children's voice problems and such voice problems are affected by behavioral characteristics associated with the use of voice.
children's voice problems; GRBAS; psycho- and voice behavioral characteristics; pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI);
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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