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Elementary School Aged Children's Reading Fluency in Terms of Family Income and Receptive Vocabulary  

Ku, Kayoung (한림대학교 최현주언어치료센터)
Seol, Ahyoung (한림대학교 언어병리청각학과)
Pae, Soyeong (한림대학교 언어청각학부 청각언어연구소)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.7, no.2, 2015 , pp. 29-38 More about this Journal
This study explores reading fluency among elementary school students considering language level and family income(low SES). Forty eight students from 1st to 3rd grades participated in two paragraph reading tasks. Half of the children were from low income family and half of the children had low lexical knowledge. Reading fluency as in the number of correctly read syllables per minute, the total error frequency and error types were used to compare group differences. There were significant differences in the number of correctly read syllables per minute between two income groups and two language groups. There was a significant difference between low income group and non-low income group in total number of errors only when children's lexical knowledge were low. There were no group differences in error types of repetition and omission. Substitution and insertion error seemed to reflect the total error pattern. These results imply the importance of early screening and early involvement for children with low lexical knowledge from low income family. Monitoring and early intervention will support these children's reading development.
reading fluency; children from low income family(low SES); low lexical knowledge; substitution errors in text reading;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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