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HMM-based missing feature reconstruction for robust speech recognition in additive noise environments  

Cho, Ji-Won (서강대학교)
Park, Hyung-Min (서강대학교)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.6, no.4, 2014 , pp. 127-132 More about this Journal
This paper describes a robust speech recognition technique by reconstructing spectral components mismatched with a training environment. Although the cluster-based reconstruction method can compensate the unreliable components from reliable components in the same spectral vector by assuming an independent, identically distributed Gaussian-mixture process of training spectral vectors, the presented method exploits the temporal dependency of speech to reconstruct the components by introducing a hidden-Markov-model prior which incorporates an internal state transition plausible for an observed spectral vector sequence. The experimental results indicate that the described method can provide temporally consistent reconstruction and further improve recognition performance on average compared to the conventional method.
missing feature reconstruction; robust speech recognition; cluster-based reconstruction; hidden Markov model;
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