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Qualitative Classification of Voice Quality of Normal Speech and Derivation of its Correlation with Speech Features  

Kim, Jungin (대전대학교)
Kwon, Chulhong (대전대학교)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.6, no.1, 2014 , pp. 71-76 More about this Journal
In this paper voice quality of normal speech is qualitatively classified by five components of breathy, creaky, rough, nasal, and thin/thick voice. To determine whether a correlation exists between a subjective measure of voice and an objective measure of voice, each voice is perceptually evaluated using the 1/2/3 scale by speech processing specialists and acoustically analyzed using speech analysis tools such as the Praat, MDVP, and VoiceSauce. The speech parameters include features related to speech source and vocal tract filter. Statistical analysis uses a two-independent-samples non-parametric test. Experimental results show that statistical analysis identified a significant correlation between the speech feature parameters and the components of voice quality.
normal speech; voice quality; speech features; qualitative classification; correlation;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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