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A Study on Establishing a Port Business Valley in Incheon Port  

Kim, Un-Soo (인천발전연구원)
Ahn, Woo-Chul (인천대학교 동북아물류대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.28, no.2, 2012 , pp. 1-27 More about this Journal
As more manufacturing and global businesses are being pulled into the port area, the idea of a Port Business Valley (PBV) is being pondered as it would create jobs and added value. The PBV would be centered around the harbor and be connected to the port, a logistics district, an industrial district, and the city. The resulting domestic and foreign investment in logistics, industry, business, tourism, living, etc. would vitalize the geographical characteristics of Incheon Port. It would also generate the largest amount of ripple effects between industries in the PBV. However, up until recently, the most frequently offered examples of planning that have helped logistics of a port to grow that have used a PBV have been those of Busan New Port and Gwangyang Port. However, this study is the result of the recent inception of the idea of creating a PBV centered around Incheon Port and the need for experts to develop a plan for such a PBV in Incheon by conducting a site specific study. The aim of this study is to set up the concept of PBV and establish PBV model of Incheon Port. In addition, this study identifies construct factors and their strategies for establish PBV of Incheon Port and then, shows the key factors and related-strategies on Fuzzy-AHP analysis from a survey of logistics experts with Incheon Port.
Incheon Port; Port Business Valley; Port Cluster; Fuzzy-AHP;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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