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A Study on Eco-Port Policy of Japan and Its' Implications  

Choi, Seok-Beom (중앙대학교 경영학부)
Nam, Jung-Woo (중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.27, no.3, 2011 , pp. 331-348 More about this Journal
Recently, international society strongly concerns global green house effect. As a result each nation introduces green policy for their economy and sustainable development. The emissions of carbon dioxide come from various sources, such as ports and port activities. Especially, port is a logistics hub for shipping, road and railways. Therefore, successful reduction of emissions in the port may encourage other transportations to reduce emissions. Korea as developing country is excused from Annex I countries which committed themselves to reduce four greenhouse gases. However, Korea is going to be placed in Annex I countries in 2013. Korean economy is heavily dependent on international trade and especially, 99.8% of its international trade cargoes is transported through the ports. Therefore, Eco-port plays a very important role in future Korean sustainable development. By introducing the most advanced port pollution regulations, Japan has taken a immediate step for Eco-port policy. International trade is very significant in Korea as well as in Japan, both nations have similar industrial structure. Therefore, Korea should pay attention to Japanese Eco-port policy and activities. This paper examines Japanese Eco-port policy and its' implications in order for Korea to find the most efficient way to reduce the emissions as Korea should reduce greenhouse gas emissions in post kyoto system.
UNFCCC; Post Kyoto Protocol; Eco-Port Policy; Eco-Port;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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