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A Study on the Strategy of the Activating the Kunsan Port of Changing Global Logistics Circumstances  

Baek, Dae-Young (호원대학교 무역경영학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.26, no.1, 2010 , pp. 195-221 More about this Journal
Kunsan port based on the selection of Kunsan Free Trade Area is expected to develop into a regional beach-head port and foreign investment area, and as the result it will play a great role in accelerating the coming age of the west sea. To promote the foreign competitiveness of Kunsan port as a central container port it can be pointed out that 1) to raise up the utilization ratio of Kunsan port as the front base of export and import by multinational corporations, 2) to hustle up the development of Kunsan container port toplay the central role as the composite container linkage central port, 3) to strengthen the attraction activities of foreign investment into the Kunsan Free Trade Area for the balanced development between regions in nation, 4) the support of both central and local governments to accelerate the comingage of the west sea are necessary.
Logistice Circumstances; Infra Distribution; SG FEZ; Foreign Investment; Dae-young; Baek;
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