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Development of TREND dynamics code for molten salt reactors  

Yu, Wen (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Ruan, Jian (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
He, Long (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Kendrick, James (Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California)
Zou, Yang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xu, Hongjie (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Publication Information
Nuclear Engineering and Technology / v.53, no.2, 2021 , pp. 455-465 More about this Journal
The Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), one of the six advanced reactor types of the 4th generation nuclear energy systems, has many impressive features including economic advantages, inherent safety and nuclear non-proliferation. This paper introduces a system analysis code named TREND, which is developed and used for the steady and transient simulation of MSRs. The TREND code calculates the distributions of pressure, velocity and temperature of single-phase flows by solving the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy, along with a fluid state equation. Heat structures coupled with the fluid dynamics model is sufficient to meet the demands of modeling MSR system-level thermal-hydraulics. The core power is based on the point reactor neutron kinetics model calculated by the typical Runge-Kutta method. An incremental PID controller is inserted to adjust the operation behaviors. The verification and validation of the TREND code have been carried out in two aspects: detailed code-to-code comparison with established thermal-hydraulic system codes such as RELAP5, and validation with the experimental data from MSRE and the CIET facility (the University of California, Berkeley's Compact Integral Effects Test facility).The results indicate that TREND can be used in analyzing the transient behaviors of MSRs and will be improved by validating with more experimental results with the support of SINAP.
Molten salt reactor; Transient analysis; Code development; Verification and validation;
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