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Analysis of the Relationship between Science-Gifted Student's Brain Dominance and Scientific Creative Problem Solving  

Kwon, Min Jung (Ewha University)
Cho, Sun Hee (KAIST)
Publication Information
Journal of Gifted/Talented Education / v.24, no.6, 2014 , pp. 961-974 More about this Journal
We analyzed the relationship between the brain Dominance and the scientific creative problem solving utilizing propensity to target Science-Gifted Student (n=159). Brain dominance is divided into left upper brain (LUB), left lower brain (LLB), right lower brain (RLB), and right upper brain (RUB). Creative problem solving skill in science included validity, scientific characteristics, sophistication, originality, and fluency. Analysis of the results of this study showed a high frequency among the four types of the brain dominance is the highest score of LUB in science gifted group. This point was found that the tendency of the analytical and critical thinking that is characteristic of the LUB is strong scientific gifted group. When total sample was divided into high and low groups by scientific creative problem solving scores, in the analysis of the brain dominance score difference between the two groups of students who take advantage of the results of score RUB is compared to the high fluency group score higher than the low group found (p<0.05). The analysis of the correlation between brain dominance and scientific creative problem solving showed that originality and fluency had statistically significant correlation with RUB propensity score (p<0.05). This result suggests that the imaginative and challenging RUB propensity may be related to produce many and original ideas in scientific creative problem solving.
Gifted in science; Brain dominance; Scientific creative problem solving;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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