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A Study on Establishment of Integrated Logistics Centers through Clustering Strategy for Incheon Port Warehousing  

Nam, Young-Woo (Korea Port Training Institute Incheon)
Jho, Yong-Chul (Korea Port Training Institute Incheon)
Lee, Chang-Ho (Asia Pacific School of Logistics, INHA University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science / v.10, no.3, 2008 , pp. 127-135 More about this Journal
In this study, we offered a way that is to make warehouse industry clustered in Incheon port for getting competitive and high end value added activities like advanced port logistics center considering trend that is changing functions of port and importance of port-hinterland. For this, we studied the existing research about port cluster, the present condition of warehouse industry in Incheon port and importance of value-added logistics activities. Also, we offered needs to build a high value-added and integrated logistics center by examples of advanced port logistics center in Singapore, Netherlands(Rotterdam) and Hongkong. We get the questionnaires for gathering ideas of port logistics industry about to set integrated logistics centers by strategy we offered that is making warehouse logistics clustered.
Integrated Logistics Centers; Clustering Strategy; Warehousing; Incheon Port;
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  • Reference
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