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Understanding Rifampicin Resistance in Tuberculosis through a Computational Approach  

Kumar, Satish (Bioinformatics Centre and Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences)
Jena, Lingaraja (Bioinformatics Centre and Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences)
The disease tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. The evolution of drug-resistant tuberculosis causes a foremost threat to global health. Most drug-resistant MTB clinical strains are showing resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin (RIF), the frontline anti-tuberculosis drugs. Mutation in rpoB, the beta subunit of DNA-directed RNA polymerase of MTB, is reported to be a major cause of RIF resistance. Amongst mutations in the well-defined 81-base-pair central region of the rpoB gene, mutation at codon 450 (S450L) and 445 (H445Y) is mainly associated with RIF resistance. In this study, we modeled two resistant mutants of rpoB (S450L and H445Y) using Modeller9v10 and performed a docking analysis with RIF using AutoDock4.2 and compared the docking results of these mutants with the wild-type rpoB. The docking results revealed that RIF more effectively inhibited the wild-type rpoB with low binding energy than rpoB mutants. The rpoB mutants interacted with RIF with positive binding energy, revealing the incapableness of RIF inhibition and thus showing resistance. Subsequently, this was verified by molecular dynamics simulations. This in silico evidence may help us understand RIF resistance in rpoB mutant strains.
docking analyses; drug resistance; mutation; rifampicin; rpoB;
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