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Informative Gene Selection Method in Tumor Classification  

Lee, Hyosoo (Department of Biological Science, Sookmyung Women's University)
Park, Jong Hoon (Department of Biological Science, Sookmyung Women's University)
Gene expression profiles may offer more information than morphology and provide an alternative to morphology- based tumor classification systems. Informative gene selection is finding gene subsets that are able to discriminate between tumor types, and may have clear biological interpretation. Gene selection is a fundamental issue in gene expression based tumor classification. In this report, techniques for selecting informative genes are illustrated and supervised shaving introduced as a gene selection method in the place of a clustering algorithm. The supervised shaving method showed good performance in gene selection and classification, even though it is a clustering algorithm. Almost selected genes are related to leukemia disease. The expression profiles of 3051 genes were analyzed in 27 acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 11 myeloid leukemia samples. Through these examples, the supervised shaving method has been shown to produce biologically significant genes of more than $94\%$ accuracy of classification. In this report, SVM has also been shown to be a practicable method for gene expression-based classification.
gene expression; gene selection; gene shaving; microarray; tumor classification;
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