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A Study on the Estimation of REC Multiplier for ESS Introduction  

Kim, Kang-Won (Korea Energy Management Corporation(KEMCO))
Kim, Balho H. (Hongik University)
Publication Information
In order to manage the gradual increase of electricity demand, the United States, Japan, and Europe are seeking to achieve overall change of electric power system by introducing solutions such as smart grid. Among these solutions, there are various research projects regarding the Electricity Storage System (ESS), which aims to promote the efficient usage of electricity and grid system of new and renewable energy system. Korean government revised the law by including ESS in new and renewable energy facilities to accelerate ESS deployment. Following the same direction of the government policy, this study suggests methodologies of setting REC weighted value that guarantees investment financial feasibility when new and renewable power producers install ESS.
Energy Storage System(ESS); Renewable Portfolio Standard(RPS); REC(Renewable Energy Certificate) Multiplier;
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  • Reference
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