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A Study on The Virtuous Cycle of The Value Chain and Value System in Korean Photovoltaic Industry  

Park, Sung-Hwan (Graduate School of Energy & Environment, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Park, Min-Hyug (Graduate School of Energy & Environment, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Park, Jung-Gu (Graduate School of Energy & Environment, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Publication Information
This study has analyzed whether the virtuous cycle of value-added between the processes within the company has formed and whether the virtuous ecosystem between the processes within the industry has been built through the analysis of value chain(VC) and value system(VS) targeting the Korean photovoltaic companies. For a study method, after conducting a survey on the companies, a regression analysis was performed on the causal relationship between the process within the VC and VS. Based on the results of the analysis, for the VC of the Korean photovoltaic industry, an increase in the R&D support from the government has led to the increase in the investment of R&D for the related industry, and the increase in the investment of R&D has contributed to the increase in the growth of its productivity, and the growth in the productivity of R&D has influenced the increase in the production of solar products. In addition, the reduction of photovoltaic production cost for the company has influenced the increase of recurring profit margin compared to the sales. However it was shown that the increase in the company's production volume does not contribute to the reduction of production cost. Meanwhile, the increase in recurring profit margin compared to the sales were influencing the increase in the production volume but it was shown that the increase in the company's investment of R&D was not a contributing factor thus it was not included in the virtuous cycle. It was analyzed that the VS was shown not to influence all other processes within the industry except for the module companies where the increase in the recurring profit margin compared to the sales was influenced by the increase in the recurring profit margin compared to the sales of solar cell companies. This shows that the virtuous industrial ecosystem which should be made under the mutual cooperation by the ingot, wafer, solar cell, module and system companies are yet incomplete.
Korean Photovoltaic Industry; Value Chain; Value System; Virtuous Cycle;
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