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The Socio-technical Constituency behind New & Renewable Energy Technology Development in a Latecomer: The Case study of New & Renewable Technology Program of Korea  

Lim, Hong-Tak (Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, Jeju National University)
Kim, Sin (Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering, Jeju National University)
Publication Information
The study looks at the development of new & renewable technology in a latecomer country, Korea. The main question is whether the development is driven by 'green demand' from the people or by the 'growth demand' from the industry. It also asks what are the characteristics of socio-technical constituency behind the development of new & renewable energy technology; growth-centered or environment-centered. It is found out that a 'New & renewable energy technology socio-techical constituency', consisted of NGOs, industry and government in the form of membership to New & Renwable Energy Policy Council of the government program, was established driving the development of new & renewable energy technology development in Korea. Yet, the coalition among them was based on 'the desire for growth' rather than 'the concern for environment'. The changes in authoritarian development state such as the adoption of governance approach to public decision-making process also contributed to the formation of the constituency.
New & Renewable Energy Technology; Socio-technical Constituency; Political Coalition; Latecomer; NGOs;
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