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Evaluation of Industry-specific Sectoral Approach in the Climate Change Framework  

Han, Jin-Hyun (Graduate School of Energy & Environment, Seoul National University of Technology)
Yoo, Dong-Heon (Korea Energy Economics Institute)
Publication Information
Regarding climate change, the most significant challenge the world faces is achieving the goal of stabilizing the global concentration of greenhouse gases. However, this cannot be accomplished by greenhouse gas reduction efforts of developed countries alone. In this context, a "sectoral approach" has been brought up as a way to overcome the limit of the Kyoto Protocol and induce the participation of developing countries. This paper focuses on the different types of sectoral approaches that have been suggested so far, and their criteria, scope and effectiveness. It therefore explores the potential each approach has as a policy alternative under the post-2012 scheme. On top of that, with the possibility of these sectoral approaches becoming strong future policy alternatives in mind, this paper also analyzes their applicability to the Korean industry. For the steel, petrochemical and oil industries - in which energy efficiency exceeds the world average- a technology-based approach is proposed as an alternative. For the cement, paper and power generation industries - in which energy efficiency is about the same as the global average - a sectoral crediting mechanism or an index-based approach or a sector-wide transnational approach are proposed as alternatives. Lastly, this paper suggests a future research direction for their adoption and implementation.
UNFCCC; post-2012; Sectoral Approach; Industry;
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  • Reference
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