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Influence Analysis of China Coastal Water in the Seas Surrounding Jeju Island using Satellite Data and Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis  

Yoon Hong-Joo (Department of Satellite Information Sciences, Pukyong National University)
Cho Han-Keun (Department of Satellite Information Sciences, Pukyong National University)
Ahn Yu-Hwan (Ocean Satellite Research Group, KORDI)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / v.21, no.6, 2005 , pp. 469-482 More about this Journal
China Coastal Waters (CCW) usually appears in the seas surrounding Jeju Island annually(June to October) and is very pronounced in August. Generally, low-salinity water appears to the western seas of Jeju Island from June through October and gradually propagates to the eastern seas, where CCW meets the Tsushima Current. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of SLAs and SSTs indicated that the variance in SLAs and SSTs was $95.01\%$(the first mode to third mode) and $98.09\%$(the first mode), respectively. The PSD of the western waters for the first mode of EOF analysis of SLAs was stronger than that of the eastern waters because of the influence of CCW. The PSD for the EOF analysis of SSTs was similar in all areas (the Yangtze Estuary and the seas to the west and east of Jeju Island), with a period of approximately 260 days.
CCW; EOF; Harmonic analysis; PSD; Salinity; SLA; SST;
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