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Taiwanese Mothers' Motivations for Teaching English to Their Young Children at Home  

Lan, Yi-Chen (Macquarie University)
Torr, Jane (Macquarie University)
Degotardi, Sheila (Macquarie University)
Publication Information
Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts / v.2, no.2, 2012 , pp. 133-144 More about this Journal
Research has shown that mothers' attitudes towards early English language and literacy learning are important for children's English language development. Some researchers have indicated that in Taiwan most parents have a positive attitude towards English instruction and are motivated to teach English at home to their preschoolers. There is, however, little current data available to explain the motivations behind such parents' decisions to teach English to their child in the home before the commencement of formal schooling. We conducted a thematic analysis of the written survey responses of 263 Taiwanese mothers who explained why they taught their preschool children English at home. The findings indicate that English is highly valued for children's school readiness, future career opportunities, and because of its status as a global language. The mothers' motivations for teaching English include the desire to cultivate the child's interest, a belief in 'the earlier the better" for second language learning, and a belief in the need to review and practice English. These findings have the potential to inform educational policies and implementation strategies, as they can reveal whether mothers' motivations align with national priorities for English language education.
early childhood; English teaching; maternal motivation; Taiwan;
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