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Multi-cultural Children's Language Abilities and Play-Interactions with Their Mothers  

Song, Yo-Hyun (Department of Consumer and Child Studies, Inha University)
Hyun, On-Kang (Department of Consumer and Child Studies, Inha University)
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Korean Journal of Child Studies / v.31, no.2, 2010 , pp. 35-52 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that are associated with a child's development within a multi-cultural family, taking into account the factors that influence the child's language ability and their play interactions with their mothers. First, there was no significant difference in the children's language ability based on the child's gender, or based on the language in which the mother communicated with her children. However there were significant differences depending on the children's age, the mother's native country, and the period of time the mother had lived in Korea. Second, there was no significant difference in the child-mother play interaction based on the children's age, gender, the mother's native country, the period of time the mother has lived in Korea, or the language in which the mother communicated with her children. However, the boys showed a more hostile attitude toward their mothers, in comparison to the girls. In conclusion, it can be said that there is an urgent need for comprehensive social support services and policies for the overall development of multi-cultural children, especially through programs for children and mothers.
multi-cultural family; children's language ability; mother-child play interaction;
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