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A Study on the Design and Measurement of a Balancing Device for Unbalance Correction of Differential Gear Case in Automobile  

Jang, T.H. (Dept. of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University)
Gwon, J.U. (Dept. of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University)
Eum, J.H. (Convergence Business Division, SMEC Co., Ltd)
Kim, J.A. (Convergence Business Division, SMEC Co., Ltd)
Kim, T.G. (Dept. of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment / v.33, no.6, 2020 , pp. 303-309 More about this Journal
A vehicle's differential gear is a device designed to allow the vehicle's outer wheels to turn faster than the inner wheels when turning on a curve. The differential gear case is the main component of the differential gear system, which is composed of ring gear, pinion gear and side gear, and is fastened by pinion shaft pins. The differential gear case rotates when the vehicle is running, so balancing calibration is very important. In this study, a balancing machine that can diagnose and correct the differential gear case and mass imbalance of various rotating bodies was designed. The differential gear case was rotated at high speed to accurately diagnose the location and value of the unbalanced mass, and it was designed to be balanced and corrected by removing the unbalanced mass by drilling. After calibration, it was confirmed that the unbalanced value of all the measured samples was reduced to less than, and the unbalance reduction ratio was improved to 60~70%.
Differential gear case; Unbalancing position and balancing value; Drilling;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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