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A Study on the Improvements of Planning Issues for Korean Military Hospitals  

Choi, Kwangseok (대불대학교 건축공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture / v.17, no.3, 2011 , pp. 7-16 More about this Journal
This study is a part of the architectural planning to meet the military healthcare development project according to the Korea national defense reform 2020. At this time, it is intended to identify the overall issues and to set the improvement directions of military hospital planning. Literature reviews, such as military healthcare development project, Korea national defense reform 2020, etc., and case studies for the advanced foreign military hospitals and several Korean private hospitals is analyzed. And also, field surveys, such as questionnaire collections for patients and workers, interviews with surgeons and department officials, and observation survey were conducted in order to be realistic improvement suggestions for military hospital planning issues.
military hospital planning; military healthcare development project; Korea national defense reform 2020; re-modeling of military hospitals;
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  • Reference
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