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CNN-based Weighted Ensemble Technique for ImageNet Classification  

Jung, Heechul (Kyungpook National University)
Choi, Min-Kook (hutom)
Kim, Junkwang (DGIST)
Kwon, Soon (DGIST)
Jung, Wooyoung (DGIST)
Publication Information
The ImageNet dataset is a large scale dataset and contains various natural scene images. In this paper, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based weighted ensemble technique for the ImageNet classification task. First, in order to fuse several models, our technique uses weights for each model, unlike the existing average-based ensemble technique. Then we propose an algorithm that automatically finds the coefficients used in later ensemble process. Our algorithm sequentially selects the model with the best performance of the validation set, and then obtains a weight that improves performance when combined with existing selected models. We applied the proposed algorithm to a total of 13 heterogeneous models, and as a result, 5 models were selected. These selected models were combined with weights, and we achieved 3.297% Top-5 error rate on the ImageNet test dataset.
Deep learning; ImageNet; ILSVRC; Ensemble; Weighted ensemble; Image classification; Data augmentation;
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