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Problems and Challenges in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology to Improve the Sustainability of Agricultural and Forest Ecosystem  

Kim, Kwang Soo (Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University)
Moon, Kyung Hwan (Research Institute of Climate Change and Agriculture, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration)
Chun, Junghwa (Division of Forest Research Planning and Coordination, National Institute of Forest Science)
Kim, Junhwan (Division of Crop Physiology and Production, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration)
Kang, Minseok (National Center for AgroMeteorology)
Kim, Dae-Jun (National Center for AgroMeteorology)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology / v.21, no.3, 2019 , pp. 117-120 More about this Journal
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 11  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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