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An Importance and Satisfaction Analysis of Selection Attribute by Rural Theme Park Customers - A Case Study on Anseong Farm Land -  

Bae, Yoon-Kie (Yang-Ju city Volunteer Center)
Kim, Na-Young (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, The University of Seoul)
Jeon, In-Cheol (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, The University of Seoul)
Kim, Yong-Geun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, The University of Seoul)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning / v.19, no.2, 2013 , pp. 1-10 More about this Journal
This study is intended to examine the perception of importance-satisfaction in selective properties of rural theme park with the users and to suggest operation method and implications for rural theme parks which are being built on a nation-wide basis. The study results are as follows: First, the results from the analysis on importance-satisfaction in the selective properties showed that both attractiveness of natural landscape and excellence of surrounding environment are high. Second, the t-test with matched samples for importance-satisfaction showed that there were significant statistical differences in all items, and the users rated satisfaction lower than the importance. Third, IPA results showed that the items such as diversity of festival event, accessibility and convenience of public transportation, appropriateness of expense and kindness in service appeared in the 2nd quadrant 'direction of concentrated efforts'Therefore, this study was able to identify the perception of importance-satisfaction among the users of rural theme parks. The study findings suggest that it is necessary to preserve surrounding natural environment, ensure appropriate pricing, introduce events and increase service level in constructing and operating rural theme parks.
Rural Theme Park; Living Tourism; Satisfaction Characteristics; Importance Performance Analysis (IPA);
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  • Reference
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