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The Determinants of Business on The Private Consulting Firms of Rural Development  

Kim, Jung Tae (Korea Rural Community Corporation)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning / v.19, no.1, 2013 , pp. 221-231 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate the business performance determinants of private consulting firms supporting bottom-up local development projects in rural areas. Under the shortage of well-trained rural development professionals, Private consulting firms support rural development projects driven by the residents. Considering the important role for consulting firms to play in the success in rural development projects, it becomes necessary to review the circumstances of consulting market on rural development projects. This study targeted 80 companies that are listed in the book rural development consulting firms. Analysis showed that factors influencing the business performance are not professional competencies but other external factors. The implications based on the above results need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that consulting company selection must be guaranteed of the consulting firms'capability by detailed fields of consulting firms' capability, and the training system for rural development experts must be formed.
Bottom-up; Rural development project; A private consulting firm;
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  • Reference
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