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Grounded Theoric Interpretation of Residents' Conflict Occurred in Process of Promoting a Rural Community Development Project : Focused on the Case of the Agricultural Experience Villages  

Cho, Joong-Hyun (Myungso IMC)
Kim, Yong-Geun (School of Landscape Architecture, The University of Seoul)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning / v.14, no.2, 2008 , pp. 1-12 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to examine the aspects and the characteristics of conflict among people in agricultural villages shown in the course of conducting a rural community development project, and to suggest a theoretical basis for the solution of the conflict. various theories on rural community development projects and conflict, and relevant sociopsychological theories were perused to lay a theoretical foundation for the study, and 5 actual cases of conflicts in agricultural experience villages were analyzed in the light of the grounded theory which is one of suitable methods of qualitative research. And comparative and comprehensive analysis of conflicts of different farm villages was done. Based on the result of analysis of conflict among residents on agricultural experience village, this paper suggests some ways for solution of the conflict.
rural community development project; bottom-up development; grounded theory; conflict management; leadership;
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  • Reference
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