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A Study on 3D Virtual Clothing by Utilizing Digital Fashion Show  

Wu, Sehee (서울대학교 디지털클로딩센터)
Kang, Yeonkyung (서울대학교 디지털클로딩센터)
Ko, Young-A (서울대학교 디지털클로딩센터)
Kim, Anna ((주)Physan)
Kim, Naeun ((주)Physan)
Kim, Cheeyong (동의대학교 영상정보공학과)
Ko, Hyeong-Seok (서울대학교 전기.컴퓨터공학부)
Publication Information
*IT technology has been rapidly introduced to the clothing and fashion industry, and especially fashion shows have been changed very fast to keep up with the current digital era. In this research, the author designed virtual clothes, and investigated whether it is possible to make them similar to actual clothes and then performed a digital fashion show with these virtual clothes. This research discussed, based on case development and studies, whether a digital fashion show can express the designer's idea more creatively than the existing fashion shows and what needs to be improved for the effectiveness of digital fashion shows. As a result, the virtual clothes have been recognized to be very similar to actual clothes and facilitate creative expressions that are hard to be presented in actual fashion shows. The adaptation of 3D virtual clothes to real fashion industry in the future can make new contents through the innovation of distribution and industry.
Digital clothing; Digital fashion show; 3D Virtual clothing; Virtual Reality;
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  • Reference
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