Effects of Oil Contamination Levels and Microbial Size on Hydrocarbon Biodegradation. |
(한국생명공학연구원 환경생명공학연구실)
김희식 (한국생명공학연구원 환경생명공학연구실) 이인숙 (이화여자대학교 생명과학과) 오희목 (한국생명공학연구원 환경생명공학연구실) 윤병대 (한국생명공학연구원 환경생명공학연구실) |
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Evaluation of inoculum addition to stimulate in situ bioremediation of oily-sludge-contaminated soil
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Inhibitory effects on degradation of diesel oil in soil microcosm by commercial bioaugementation product
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Inoculation of an atrazinedegrading strain. Chelatobacter heintzii Cit1, in four different soils: effect of different inoculation densities
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Effect of mineral and organic soil constituents on microbial mineralization of organic compounds in a natural soil
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Bioremediation(natural attenuation and biostimulation)of diesel-oil-contaminate soil in an Alpine Glacier skiing area
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Microbial degradation of oil spills enhanced by a slow-release fertilizer
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원유 분해균주 Nocardia sp. H17-1의 분리 및 특성
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Bioavaliability of hydrocarbons during microbial remediation of a snady soil
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Comparison of oil composition changes due to biodegradation and physical weathering in different oils
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Hydrocarbon biodegradation and oil spill bioremediation
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Ecological study of bioaugementation failure
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Monitoring of bioremediation by soil biological activities
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Bioaugemention as a soil bioremediation approach
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Biodegradation of pentachlorphenol in natural soil by inoculated Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus
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Influence of oil contamination levels on hydrocarbon biodegradation in sandy sediment
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Inoculum size as a factor limiting success of inoculation for bioremediation
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The microbiology of aquatic oil spill
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Microbial degradations of petroleum hydrocarbons:An environmental perspectives
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Factors affecting the microbial degradation of phenanthrene in soil
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Effect of environmental parameters on the biodegradation of oil sludge
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Physiolocigal properties and biodegradation of crude oil
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Reasons for possible failure of inoculation to enhance biodegradation