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Isolation, Identification and Physiological Characteristics of Biofertilizer Resources, Insoluble Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria  

손홍주 (밀양대학교 생물공학과)
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Korean Journal of Microbiology / v.39, no.1, 2003 , pp. 51-55 More about this Journal
To develop environment-friendly biofertilizer solubilizing insoluble phosphates, a bacterium possessing a high ability to solubilize $Ca_{3}(PO_{4})_{2}$) was isolated from the rhizosphere of peas. On the basis of its morphological, cultural, physiological characteristics, and Vitek analysis, this bacterium was identified as Pantoea agglomerans. The optimal medium composition and cultural conditions for the solubilization of insoluble phosphate by P. agglomerans R-38 were 3% of glucose.0.1% of TEX>$NH_{4}NO_{3}$, 0.02% of $MgSO_{4}\cdot\7H_{2}O$, and 0.06% of $CaCl_{2}\cdot\2H_{2}O$ along with initial pH 7.5 at $30^{\circ}C$. The highest soluble phosphate production under optimum condition was 898 mg/L after 5 days of cultivation. The solubilization of insoluble phosphate was associated with a drop in the pH of the culture medium. The strain produced soluble phosphate to the culture broth with the concentrations of 698 mg/L against CaHPO$_4$, 912 mg/L against hydroxyapatite, 28 mg/L against $FePO_{4}\cdot\4H_{2}O$, and 19 mg/L against $AIPO_{4}$, respectively.
biofertilizer; insoluble phosphate; Pantoea agglomerans; phosphate-solubilizing bacteria;
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