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Three-dimensional Wave Propagation Modeling using OpenACC and GPU  

Kim, Ahreum (Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Pukyong National University)
Lee, Jongwoo (Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Pukyong National University)
Ha, Wansoo (Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Pukyong National University)
Publication Information
Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration / v.20, no.2, 2017 , pp. 72-77 More about this Journal
We calculated 3D frequency- and Laplace-domain wavefields using time-domain modeling and Fourier transform or Laplace transform. We adopted OpenACC and GPU for an efficient parallel calculation. The OpenACC makes it easy to use GPU accelerators by adding directives in conventional C, C++, and Fortran programming languages. Accordingly, one doesn't have to learn new GPGPU programming languages such as CUDA or OpenCL to use GPU. An OpenACC program allocates GPU memory, transfers data between the host CPU and GPU devices and performs GPU operations automatically or following user-defined directives. We compared performance of 3D wave propagation modeling programs using OpenACC and GPU to that using single-core CPU through numerical tests. Results using a homogeneous model and the SEG/EAGE salt model show that the OpenACC programs are approximately 53 and 30 times faster than those using single-core CPU.
OpenACC; Graphics Processing Units; 3D wave propagation modeling;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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