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Modified Electrical Resistivity Survey for Leakage Detection of a Waterside Concrete Barrage  

Lee, Bomi (Department of Resources Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Oh, Seokhoon (Department of Resources Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Im, Eunsang (Infrastructure Research Center, K-Water Institute)
Publication Information
Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration / v.18, no.3, 2015 , pp. 115-124 More about this Journal
A modified electrical resistivity survey has been suggested and applied to a leakage detection problem of concrete barrage. We suggest the modified electrical resistivity methods using electrodes floating on the water and apply line current sources instead of conventional point current sources in order to facilitate simple analysis. In addition, the study introduced the following three variations of modified electrode array: Direct potential array, Parallel potential array and Cross potential array. These arrays were tested and investigated through numerical experiment, physical model experiment and geophysical field exploration in order to verify their applicability to the water leakage detection of a concrete barrage. When water leakage occurred, all kind of array operations demonstrated distinct changes of aspects of potential difference in graphs obtained by not only the numerical and physical model experiments but also geophysical field exploration. Therefore, this modified electrode arrays of electrical resistivity survey, which has been adapted to the concrete barrage, has been found to be a useful method to detect water leakage.
modified electrical resistivity survey; concrete barrage; leakage detection;
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