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Horizontal Distance Correction of Single Channel Marine Seismic Data  

Kim Hyun-Do (Dong-A University, School of Civil and Ocean Engineering)
Kim Jin-Hoo (Dong-A University, School of Civil and Ocean Engineering)
Publication Information
Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration / v.7, no.4, 2004 , pp. 245-250 More about this Journal
Horizontal-axes on the seismic section have been represented in a distance unit by applying horizontal-distance correction transformation on a 2-D seismic section of single channel marine seismic data. By drawing horizontal-axes in a distance unit, distortion of horizontal distances shown on the seismic section when the ship speed varies during a survey can be diminished considerably. Position information obtained by GPS and stored in each trace of seismic data as well as data collection windows were used for horizontal distance correction. The minimum window length was decided by considering ship speed and shot interval, and the maximum window length wat determined by reflecting radius of the 1st Fresnel zone. In choosing an optimum window length, horizontal resolution and stacking effect were considered simultaneously. By applying horizontal distance correction we could get a 2-D seismic section which is considered at reflecting the real subsurface structure analogously.
tingle channel marine seismic survey; seismic section; horizontal distance correction; window length; ship speed;
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