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Effects of Virtual Reality Programs on Proprioception and Instability of Functional Ankle Instability  

Kim, Ki Jong (Cheongam College)
Jun, Hyun ju (Cheongam College)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.6, no.2, 2015 , pp. 891-895 More about this Journal
We investigated the effects of a Virtual reality(VR) program on the proprioception and instability of functional ankle instability(FAI) patients. Among the 20s old individuals who lived in Republic of Korea; 20 people were selected through a public participation process. The 20 participants were then randomly divided into two groups, one of strength exercise(n=10) and one of balance exercise(n=10). Of the patients who had experienced an ankle sprain in the past and currently felt ankle instability, those who recorded 24 points or less on the Cumberland ankle instability tool(CAIT) were determined to have FAI. We selected the strength exercise and balance exercise in the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus as a VR program. The subjects used the program on the Wii Balance Board three times per week for 20 minutes and total 10-minute warm-up and down for four weeks. Proprioception and CAIT of the balance exercise group were improved significantly after the exercise compared to before the exercise(p<.05). Authors recommend that the balance exercise in the VR program be used as an aid for physical therapeutic intervention.
Virtual Reality; Nintendo Wii Fit Plus; Functional Ankle Instability; Propriocetion; CAIT;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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