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Effect of Dual Task Training in Visual Control and Unstable Base on the Gait of Stroke Patient  

Lee, Sa Gyeom (Suwon Women's University)
Kim, Yang Rae (Anyang Sam Hospital)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.6, no.1, 2015 , pp. 788-794 More about this Journal
This study examines changes in walking ability among patients with stroke after applying dual-task training under the condition of visual control and unstable supporting ground; the purpose is to provide reference data for selecting intervention methods that enhance the walking ability of patients with stroke. Among the patients with stroke who received rehabilitation treatment(at Rehabilitation Hospital B in Gyeonggi, South Korea from May 2014 to July 2014), 29 patients were selected as research subjects; all of them understood the purpose and contents of this research and agreed to participate in the experiment. The research subjects were divided into a visual control and unstable supporting ground dual-task(VUDT) group(10 patients), a visual control dual-task(VDT) group(10 patients), and an unstable supporting ground dual-task(UDT) group(9 patients); all of the subjects received 30-minute trainings, three times a week for a total of four weeks. A Timed-Up-and-Go(TUG) test was performed to investigate the change of walking function among the subjects, and a 10m walking test was conducted to measure their walking speed. According to the study results, all three groups showed significant differences after dual-task training; the dual-task training group under the condition of visual control and unstable supporting ground showed the most prominent change. This study confirmed that dual-task training using visual control and unstable supporting ground has a positive impact on the walking ability of patients with stroke. Through the study results, we found that implementing dual-task training under the condition of visual control and unstable supporting ground can more effectively improve the walking ability of patients with stroke, rather than performing visual control dual-task training or unstable supporting ground dual-task training only.
Walking; Stroke; Dual-task training;
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