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Change of Isometric Contractile Force and Muscle Activity Applying Heat according to the Time on Biceps Brachii Muscle  

Jeon, Jae Keun (Hanlyo University)
Kim, Sang Soo (Daegu Health College)
Kang, Da Haeng (Sehan University Research Institute for Industry)
Kim, Bo Kyoung (International University of Korea)
Koo, Ja Pung (Pohang College)
Moon, Ok Kon (Kunjang College)
Lee, Joon Hee (Sehan University)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.4, no.1, 2013 , pp. 505-509 More about this Journal
This study has investigated the effect of isometric contractile force and muscle activity applying sperficial heat according to the time from the biceps brachii muscle. In this study, 20 university students participants without musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. By applying a hot pack 5min, 10min, 20min and 30min respectively. After that measurement are skin temperature, contractile force and muscle activity. Skin temperature of the hot 5 min applied that rapidly changing. Increasing the time it takes to apply a variance has been reduced(p<.001). Isometric contractile force was not statistically significant but highest when applying the hot pack 5 minutes and lowest when applying the hot pack 30 minutes(p<.001). Muscle activity and median frequency was highest when applying the hot pack 5 minutes. To analyze the above results, it was found that isometric contractile force and muscle activity changed according to the applying time. These result lead us to the conclusion that this study will be more evidence for changes in muscle contraction to apply hot pack on clinic.
Hot Pack; Isometric Contraction; Muscle Activity; Median Frequency;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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