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The Aesthetic Transformation of Shadow Images and the Extended Imagination  

Kim, Young-Ok (명지대학교 방목기초교육대학)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2017 , pp. 651-676 More about this Journal
Shadow images are a representative medium and means of expression for the imagination that exists between consciousness and unconsciousness for thousands of years. Wherever light exists, people create play with their own shadows without special skills, and have made a fantasy at once. Shadow images have long been used as subjects and materials of literacy, art, philosophy, and popular culture. Especially in the field of art, people have been experimenting with visual stimulation through the uniqueness of simple silhouettes images. In the field of animation, it became to be recognized as a form of non - mainstream areas that are difficult to make. However, shadow images have been used more actively in the field of digital arts and media art. In this Environment with technologies, Various formative imaginations are being expressed more with shadow images in a new dimension. This study is to introduce and analyze these trends, the aesthetic transformations and extended methods focusing on digital silhouette animation and recent media art works using shadow images. Screen-based silhouette animation combines digital technology and new approaches that have escaped conventional methods have removed most of the elements that have been considered limitations, and these factors have become a matter of choice for the directors. Especially, in the display environment using various light sources, projection, and camera technology, shadow images were expressed with multiple-layered virtual spaces, and it becomes possible to imagine a new extended imagination. Through the computer vision, it became possible to find new gaze and spatial images and use it more flexibly. These changes have given new possibility to the use shadow images in a different way.
Shadow Image; Silhouette Animation; Digital Animation; Interactive Animation; Media Art;
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  • Reference
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