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A study of animation story-telling technique based on the archtype myth - Focus on " Oneuli" directed by Lee Sung-gang-  

Rou, Kyoung-A
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2016 , pp. 211-233 More about this Journal
Fairy tales starting with the phrase 'Once upon a time' have been told throughout generations to generations. These stories of the past started with the history of mankind, and are constantly recreated under the names of legends, fables and myths. Through understanding the archetypes frequently occurring in legends and story telling techniques used to visualize them, the possibility of better recreation of stories and animations are sought. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the original form of archetypical Jeju epic dance lyrics are adjusted accordingly to meet the author's intention as it transforms into the modern animation 'Oneuli' By this comparative analysis, the utilization of archetypes and mythic motifs in the creation of animation are expected to enhance the interactions with the audiences beyond the border and age.
archetype; myth; collective uniconscious; story telling; Oneuli;
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  • Reference
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