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The Discourse of Capitalist Society on East Asian Pop Culture: A TV Series of Superhero Animation  

Woo, Ji-Woon (고려대학교 정보문화연구소)
Noh, Kwang-Woo (고려대학교 정보문화연구소)
Kwon, Jae-Woong (한림대학교 언론정보학부 디지털콘텐츠전공)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2014 , pp. 45-82 More about this Journal
Comics and cartoons of superheroes in the West have adopted various semiotic systems and other art-forms, including their politico-socio-economic condition, and made parody of other popular texts, as well. Based on the idea of the development of superhero genre, this article focuses on how East Asian popular texts appropriate and reconstruct the genre, which was once considered the realization of American idea, by analyzing a series of TV animation (Japan, Sunrise,2011). Through the feature of parody with intertextuality, provides East Asian value and sensibility of characters as corporation-centered modern humans in capitalist society. This animation has similarity and difference, compared to that of Western superhero cartoons. It satires Western capitalist society and emphasizes Eastern family-oriented value. The performances of superheroes on TV represent the satire on Western style individualism and estimation through each one's achievement. It metaphorically criticizes the situation in which modern human falls into dependency on capital and media, and the capitalistic system in which public good is used for the method of private profit. emphasizes East Asian value of human and society, the cooperative relation for the success and maintenance of community by combining members of state and society through familial sensibility. Tiger functions as a spiritual leader in the group of superheroes who have been obsessed with competition for their own private purpose rather than public cause, Bunny and other colleagues are gradually influenced by Tiger's familial communicative style. emphasizes community-centered view and self-sacrificing sensibility as an international citizen to solve social pathology of modern world.
Tiger & Bunny; Superhero; Intertextuality; Satire; Parody; Familism; Capitalism;
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  • Reference
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