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Symbolic Analysis of a Figure Character in Satirical Cartoon 'National Intelligence Service Female Agent'  

Park, Keong-Cheol (조선대학교 만화애니메이션학과 / 문화학과)
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Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2014 , pp. 307-334 More about this Journal
Satirical cartoon features figure characters that liken to particular figures or social phenomenon to satirize particular figures or social phenomenon. Through the words and actions of figure characters in satirical carton, fraudulentact of man in power or irrational social phenomenon is revealed. The National Intelligence Service (NIS) female agent that is the figure character of this study has been appearing in satirical cartoon for a long time and it likens to social phenomenon instead of a actual figure. The reason why the NIS female agent has been appearing as a figure character in satirical cartoon for a long time is because related social phenomenon has not ended and is still in progress. In addition, the reason why it likens to social phenomenon instead of an actual figure is based on the fact that it is not easy to identify her face that has been hidden, which makes it difficult to exaggerate the characteristic of the figure. Her hidden face is also an expression of the desire to hide that is symbolized by baseball cap and muffler. Her hidden face and the desire to hide make it easy to substitute to other related figure or social phenomenon instead of actual figure. Namely, outward appearance of the NIS female agent has a good condition for combining 'added significance' in satirical cartoon. Irrelevant to actual NIS female agent, a satirical cartoon figure of NIS female agent is being combined with various meanings when needed and it is substituted as another figure, group or social phenomenon as the actual figure disappears. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to reveal the role of figure character in satirical cartoon by symbolically analyzing the figure character that appears in satirical cartoon as 'NIS female agent'. The followings were revealed through the symbolic analysis of figure character in satirical cartoon in this study. First, satirical cartoon satirizes social phenomenon. Figure character in satirical cartoon satirizes social phenomenon in place of actual figure. Second, satirical cartoon satirizes core or embarrassing area of irrational social phenomenon created by politics. Figure character in satirical cartoon satirizes core or embarrassing area of social phenomenon by revealing it in place of actual figure. Third, satirical cartoon sends a message of warning to a responsible person of irrational social phenomenon created by politics. Figure character in satirical cartoon sends a message of warning to responsible person of irrational social phenomenon created by politics in place of actual figure. Fourth, satirical cartoon provides catharsis for enduring wound or stress received by individual due to irrational social phenomenon created by politics. Figure character in satirical cartoon provides catharsis for enduring wound or stress received by individual due to irrational social phenomenon through satirizing and ridiculing actual figure.
symbol; National Intelligence Service female agent; satirical cartoon; figure character;
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