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An Analysis of the Inherent Fear and Desire of the Character: Based on the Enneargram Personality Types Theory  

Yang, Se-Hyeok (조선대학교 만화애니메이션학부)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2012 , pp. 1-36 More about this Journal
The (2003) by Pixar, by succeeding at box office hit with good criticism, could be the film that made Pixar the most influential animation producer. Especially such character oriented narrative strategy, by raising the degree of characterizing and relationship, could made remarkable achievement as it is called a textbook of characterizing. This study focused on the inherent fear and desire of characters in . The inherent fear and desire were assumed to be the elements that strengthen characterizing and relationship more dynamically. In general, every single choice and behavior of human beings are likely to be depending on fear and desire, it is believed that human's life is dominated by those two elements. In this point, the characterizing of has three big features. It is that (1) it clearly described the fear inherent in characters and the effort to avoid the fear better than any other films of Pixar. (2) it strikingly accords with the interaction of characteristics of fear and desire established by Enneargram personality types. (3) the way of relieving fear of the main characters (Marlin and Nemo), as a unique feature of rescue and escape plot in which two characters are being apart, is not by interaction of characteristics of two main characters but is by characterizing the spiritual value supplementary to the deficiency of main character as sub character (Dory and Gill). In the previous study, , characterizing of panda 'Poe' is too outstanding and this fact is working as paradoxical limitation. On the other hand, set up of fear and desire of two main characters, Poe and Shifu and dynamics of characteristics are very delicate and effective. On the other hand, in the , in the course of settling down the conflicts between two main characters, father and son, it shows fresh and firm narrative structure with various characters and sub plots. However, though the degree of described fear and desire of main characters are very outstanding, it still reveals it limitation that the course of settlement is somewhat dependent. In conclusion, this study is considered to be another approach to animation characterizing, and also hopefully can be helpful in characterization and setting up relationships in the future.
Pixar; Finding Nemo; fear; desire; Enneargram; characterizing; animation character;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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