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A Study on the Outcome Analysis of the Local Cluster Based on the Animation Industry  

Seo, Jeong-Soo (한림성심대학교 영상콘텐츠학과)
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Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2012 , pp. 209-233 More about this Journal
The animation cluster in Korea has begun as a part of the local cultural cluster in the late 1990s with components of companies, local governments, educational institutions, and human resources, which were necessary to run the cluster. And, the animation cluster was initiated for the purpose of encouraging regional economies, but the basic unit was the local on a small scale. Because of this inherent weakness in the local cluster, it was needed to add some additional strategies that could expand the local animation industry into the formal leading industry. That is why the development policy was set up, and the local promotion agency based on this policy was established. It has been several years to manage the local promotion agency, and it is reported that there have been some visible effects. But, it is found out that analyzing the outcome of small unit cluster on the basis of existing criteria on a large scale is not reliable, which means it is not possible to evaluate the outcome of local cluster in a material way. Some examples of problems are as follows. First, the local cluster was made not autonomously but deliberately. Second, the animation cluster of each province has the same market as its target. Therefore, this research - on the basis of the diamond model - focuses on analyzing the existence and role of local promotion agencies rather than evaluating the outcome itself. Through the cases of two provincial cities, Chuncheon and Bucheon, this research examines if it is possible to evaluate the outcome of local clusters managed by promotion agencies.
cultural industries; animation; cluster; diamond model; outcome of promotion; promotion agency;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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