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A Study on the Characteristics and Order of the Zodiac Statues Tombs in the late Silla Dynasty  

PARK, Hyoungyoul (Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
LEE, Jihyang (Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science / v.55, no.2, 2022 , pp. 252-271 More about this Journal
This article examines the characteristics of the royal tombs of the late Silla Dynasty with the statues of the 12 animal deities(Zodiac) and estimates the process of change. The features of the statues show a difference in their combination in terms of continuity and similarity of the object in their hands. In addition, there is a difference in the shape of the face of the stone statue, and differences are observed in the orientation and aspect ratio of the statue according to the sculptural method. The characteristics of these statues are somewhat different from the previously studied protected-stone and manufacturing techniques. For example, the Zodiac statues that are flattened from high relief to low relief are known to be decorated in realistic expressions, but they tend to be treated as separate conditions because they do not match the change of the stone. In addition, there was a characteristic that did not show regular changes, such as appearing and disappearing again when there was no balustrade in the tomb. Summing up the characteristics of each part, the Zodiac statues are largely divided into curved angles and flat angles according to the sculptural technique, and the head orientation and clothing of the statue are related. They are divided into two categories and can be viewed as having temporality according to the aspect ratio. These characteristic changes are consistent with the continuity of features and changes in the object in the hands of the 12 Zodiac statues. Therefore, the number of faces with protected-stone changes were gradually increasing in trend. As a result, there is a possibility that the Gujeongdong Square-shape Tomb and King Jindeok Tomb are earlier royal tombs than the Wonseong Royal Tomb. Therefore, the royal tombs of the late Silla Dynasty have a complete, tomb structure, containing the 12 animal god statues, ceremonial spaces(拜禮空間), Shindo(神道), stone statues(石像), and tombstones. This can be understood as a basic motif for the royal tomb structures of Goryeo and Joseon.
The royal tombs; the late Silla Dynasty; the 12 animal god statues; structure of the tomb around-zone; the royal tombs reordering;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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