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A Status Analysis for the Standards on Permission of Altering Cultural Heritage's Current State Focusing on the Results of Handling Application Cases on Permission of State-Designated Cultural Heritage (Historic Site) for the Last Five Years (2015~2019)  

CHO, Hongseok (Research Center of Historic and Cultural affiliated with HIPI)
SUH, Hyunjung (Research Center of Historic and Cultural affiliated with HIPI)
CHOI, Jisu (Research Center of Historic and Cultural affiliated with HIPI)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science / v.54, no.3, 2021 , pp. 24-51 More about this Journal
Since June 2006, there have been active efforts to systematize the permission system including the amendment of [Cultural Heritage Protection Act]. Cultural Heritage Administration prepared standards on reviewing each type of cultural heritages(CH) in 2015, promoted a project on the modification of permission standards and showed remarkable performances in quantitative aspects. But as there has been little change for the cases applied for permission, additional studies on policy are required to improve the management efficiency and reduce the citizens'inconvenience. In response, this study aims to identify the actual management status on the current state alteration permission system, and establish practically utilizable reference materials at permission review. While historic sites(HS) constitute a relatively small proportion in state-designated CHs, they are subject to the designation of permission standards. Also, with their location in the downtown area, the application rate is high (51.4%) and the results are commonly utilizable to other types of CH. We constructed a DB based on the minutes of Cultural Heritage Committee(CHC) on HS and categorized similar features in permission handling results. The result of the analysis is as follows. Out of a total of 5,243 cases for permission applied for HS, 1,734 cases of cultural heritage areas(CHA) and 3,509 cases of historic and cultural environment preservation areas(HCEPA) have been applied. CHA has a great proportion of the applications for events and festivals, which are highly related to CHs or representing the local area. There is a high permission rate on applications for the purpose of public service by local governments. Meanwhile, HCEPA has a high proportion of applying for the installation and extension of buildings and facilities at the private level. Thus, negative decisions were made for tall buildings, massed facilities, or suspected scattering of similar acts. Our actual condition analysis has identified a total of 78 types of harmful acts which may influence the preservation of CHs. 31 types in CHA and 37 types in HCEPA are categorized. Especially, 10 common types of permission have been confirmed in both sectors. As a result, it is expected to secure consistency in the permission administration, enhance the management efficiency and improve the public's satisfaction over the regulatory administration by providing practically utilizable reference materials for altering the current state of CH and for decision making on the part of CHC.
Current State Alteration Permission System; Historic Site; Permission Application Cases; Permission Type; Enhancement of Administrative Efficiency;
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  • Reference
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